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Human Doing and Forging

·604 words·3 mins

You are what you repeatedly do

When you look at yourself in the mirror you see the reflection of a person that looks back at you. You ask yourself, who are you? You try and answer the question but find it difficult. Until you learn the things that you have done. You say to yourself “I am a kind person”. I show compassion for people and many times I assume the best in them, I showed mercy when justice was warranted. “I am a good friend”. I have gone out of my way to care for my friend who needed something from me. I was there when they needed me and they affirmed my actions why thanks. We determine who we are by the evidence we leave behind; by our choices and the actions that follow. Life is the C between our B and D.

habits to enhabit a new persona

In James Clear’s Atomic Habits habit change is not about a series of lifehacks that make the day go by faster. It is about knowing who you want to become and creating choices to become more of that person. To be more like the peron you want to be you have to update your beliefs about yourself and make choices to be more like that person, and perform the actions that person would do. Habits are automated actions that a peron does. Therefore, in order to become the person you want to be you have to have the habits of that person. Have the habits of the persona you want to enhabit.

I want to be a life long learner, one of the attributes of that persona is a reader. Last year I read more books that I have ever had in my life. How did it do it? I made it obvious. There was either a physical book in front of me at all times or I had the kindle app on my phone. I removed any apps on my phone that had media I wanted to consume. I could still watch shows and posts if I wanted to, but I would have to do it on my TV. Anytime I had the boredom feeling, I would reach for my phone but since all the apps were gone I opened the kindle app and read a chapter or passage. I made it attractive and easy. These were fun books, some were audio books, some were stories or business books that would help me understand or learn something about the world. I was curious and I wanted to continue to feed my curiousity. These books were also less academic and were written at a level my grug brain can understand. I made it satisfying. The only time I ever eat Double Stuffed Oreos is when I read. It was my reward for reading, and now I associate any kind of candy when I read.

Back to the life long learner. Yes, i’m more of a reader than I was before. I’ve used the habits of a reader to enhabit that persona more. One of the main reasons I wanted to become a reader is because there are books out there that are harder to read, like text books, books that require more thinking. These tomes demand focus and deep work. They are at a different level but I don’t think I would be able to sustain long dances with these books unless I was fit and ready.

Each action you do is a vote for that kind of person you want to be. How will you vote?

Photo by fazil abi